How Much Cash Will You Receive from Outsourcing Your Medical Billing? Learn Why Home Health Care Providers Rely on Us to Improve Cash Flow

COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on home health care agencies, hitting their cash flow very hard. If your agency is struggling with declining revenue and worried about paying its bills—now is the time to talk to us about outsourced medical billing and revenue recovery services.


Before you start thinking, “I can’t afford to pay someone to do medical billing and revenue recovery work for our agency.” Rest assured, you only pay for our services if you get paid first.


Consider the potential income that we can help to capture for your home health agency with this simple calculation: On average, if one incorrect claim is rejected that is $2,000 your home health agency loses. If we recoup this for you through correct billing practices on just ten claims, that means $20,000 more in your home health operating budget. Again, we would only get paid for our medical billing services if you realize this income.


This is also true for revenue recovery services used to capture past claims denied by Medicare. You could have potentially tens of thousands of dollars left on the table from rejected claims. We can work with you to get this money back into your home health agency’s bank account. The same applies for hospice facilities, long-term care and skilled nursing facilities, visiting physicians and nurse practitioners. In the current economic conditions, knowing that you can partner with Dominion Revenue Solutions to take the pressure off your financial picture and ease the feeling of overwhelm.


See how much money your facility can recover with outsourced medical billing.


Thousands of healthcare entities and providers are outsourcing their medical billing and revenue cycle management each year—with this number growing every month, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic. This spreadsheet can help you see how much potential revenue you could receive when you work with us.


In addition to the revenue and cash flow improvements we can help you realize, we can also help you navigate all of the compliance issues, which have increased in complexity considerably due to COVID-19. Download our free COVID-19 Cash Flow Management Guide for tips, then let us know if you have any questions.


Today’s healthcare environment is challenging enough without cashflow worries. Expert medical billing and strategic revenue management can help you avoid financial problems and keep your cash flow smooth and stress-free. Outsourcing these functions to a trusted partner like Dominion Revenue Solutions clearly makes sense, as outlined above. Remember, you don’t pay us anything until your agency gets paid.


Contact us to get started, the sooner you do, the sooner you will have more money in the bank!

