Be Proactive About the PDGM Cash Crunch—Take Advantage of Our Free Revenue Recovery Offer Now

Now that we’re about six weeks into the new Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) we’re starting to hear from many home health agencies about the challenges of the associated changes and the potential impact to their bottom line. Slower reimbursement cycles with PDGM are something that are likely to cause a cash crunch for many agencies very soon. This is why revenue recovery of existing claims is so important right now!


Did you know that Medicare will reimburse you for claims processed in the last one year? 


This means there is a window of opportunity for home health agencies to recoup the money they are owed from Medicare and help to offset some of the PDGM profit margin pressure. We’re making it easier than ever to recover your revenue from Medicare with this special offer:

Contact us by February 29 and ask to receive a FREE customized revenue analysis report for your agency….it’s the first step to getting the money back from Medicare that your agency deserves!


Next, we can review all of your claims processed in 2019 and recover your lost revenue. 


Find out more about our revenue recovery services for home health agencies here.


Prevent PDGM from cutting into your cash flow during this critical revenue recovery period with help from our team of experts…and this special savings offer! Contact us now.

