Revenue Recovery Projects
Costly Medical Billing Errors: How Home Health Agencies Can Avoid Them
An important distinction in medical billing errors is the difference between a rejected claim and a denied claim. A rejected claim is caused by a billing error that may result from a clerical error, or a mismatched procedure and ICD codes. These claims can then be corrected and resubmitted. Of course, correcting and resubmitting […]
Burnout: Beware of These Warning Signs
The home health profession is emotionally, physically, and mentally demanding—we don’t need to tell you that! However, like many aspects of health care, those working to support patients whether directly or indirectly in administrative roles are at high risk of burnout. While you may think career-related burnout is “no big deal” it can have a […]
Tips on Joining Commercial Insurance Networks for Home Health Agencies
Given the current economic and regulatory environment for home health agencies, many have been largely driven by Medicare payments, making agencies hesitant to turn to managed care and commercial insurance to drive additional revenue. The process to seek and secure payment outside of traditional channels can be overwhelming. However, considering that some agencies increase […]
A Practical Example of Home Health Cost Savings with Outsourced Medical Billing
According to recent data, 10% of all home healthcare claims are rejected. With the average claim being approximately $2k, you can see how the cost of not being able to capture this portion of your total claims can quickly add up. In addition to the money you can recoup by having fewer […]
How Much Cash Will You Receive from Outsourcing Your Medical Billing? Learn Why Home Health Care Providers Rely on Us to Improve Cash Flow
COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on home health care agencies, hitting their cash flow very hard. If your agency is struggling with declining revenue and worried about paying its bills—now is the time to talk to us about outsourced medical billing and revenue recovery services. Before you start thinking, “I can’t afford to […]
Download the COVID-19 Cash Flow Guide for Home Health Care Providers
COVID-19 continues to bring enormous changes to the home health care profession. On a daily basis, changes from CMS and other regulatory bodies are forcing non-acute healthcare providers to change the way they operate. This, in combination with changes in patient care demands and overall facility census, has a significant impact on billing practices and […]
Best Practices to Optimize Cash Flow for Home Health Agencies
A steady stream of revenue is critical for home health agencies. Otherwise, their operations will not be able to function optimally. If revenue is reduced significantly for any period of time, it puts significant stress on the agency’s bottom line. Best Practices for Optimal Cash Flow Here are just a few of the best practices […]
Why Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management Makes Sense in Today’s Healthcare Economy
The business of providing healthcare is more complex than ever—which means the business of managing revenue cycle processes is, too. Whether you are an administrator of established home health agency or hospice facility or a new visiting physician or nurse practitioner starting their own practice, you may be feeling overwhelmed at the time, money and […]
Choice Review is Coming! Get Prepared with these FAQs
How do I know when Choice Review will affect my agency? Since CMS is rolling out Choice Review with a series of demonstrations at different times in different states, the best way to know when your agency may be affected is by checking the CMS website. The CMS is generally providing 60 days advance notice. […]